Animal Success Stories
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It's official, paperwork mailed with check, Jimmie and Bunnie are mine. Allie and Gracie took the news in stride as I assured them that they are still top dog. That doesn't stop Bunnie and Jimmie from letting me know they are the boss of me. Between Jimmie's barking and Bunnie's whining for attention, it is a no wonder that I have the time to do their updates. As always Say goes above and beyond. As you know, in spite of applications for the 2, when potential adopters were told of Bunnie's kidney disease, no one pursued their adoption. It was evident, after 6 months, that Bunnie would not be adopted and was about to become a forever foster. With that realization I knew I could not let Jimmie get adopted without her. I knew I had to adopt Jimmie and I am so grateful to Say for allowing me to Forever Foster Bunnie. This makes for a very happy tail,, tale. Congratulations Jimmie!