Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Gismo started out with us, Julia and Chuck Sleeper, on March 16 as a foster. He was a timid little fellow at first but after a few days started patting legs for a lift up to sit in a lap. It took a couple of weeks for his real "dog" personality (sweet from the top of his head to the ends of his paws) to come out. However, by the first week of May he started barking at the neighbors and was never late for a treat opportunity, breakfast or dinner. He is the same age as our dog Frodo, so their daily tempo and activity level are a good match. Gismo is an expert nap taker, lap sitter and general snuggle pup. Our daughter was totally enamored with him from day one and in just 2 months has a library of cute photos. Our son thinks Gismo is great too. So, there it is, we've joined the ranks of the Foster Failure Brigade and are glad to be in such good company! Gismo will be with us FUREVER!!!!! Congratulations Gismo!!!