Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Sweet little Jackson (aka Jack O'Lantern) was adopted on Saturday, 11/21 by Connie & Bob and their daughter, Fiona (19). Jackson went through quite a transformation in the 4 1/2 weeks that he was with me. Going from a sheltered, indoor, slightly overweight, out of shape guy, to living like a real dog: going on walks, being outside in a yard, exploring new sights and smells, playing with squeaky toys, and meeting new people (who he happily greeted! Every single one.) And he lost a pound! He really is a special little dog. So sweet and friendly and easy-going. (Even the vet that did his dental wanted him!) I am so happy for Jackson and for his new forever family. They only live a couple of towns away from me, so I know I will see him again. Congratulations JackOLantern!!!