Animal Success Stories
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Yogi Berra

Ho ho ho Yogi found his forever home you know…with Jill. Jill never hesitated in her interest in adopting Yogi. She had experience with special needs dogs as her last two Yorkies developed blindness so his sight issues didn’t scare her at all. I always look for “signs” that I have chosen the right forever person for our foster pups. Yogi gave me one when Jill scooped him up for the first time and started petting and rubbing the back of his head. He rested his little head on her chest as she petted him and I knew that was my sign. He will continue to know nothing but love and happiness. Yogi has been in his forever home for a week now. Jill sent me this email to let me know how he’s doing: Hi Allyson, I wanted to Thank you & SAY rescue for this wonderful gift you have allowed me to adopt. I was devastated when I lost my Yorkie 5 months ago. He was with me for 20 years. I never thought I would find a little guy that would be perfect for me. I was wrong! Yogi had my heart the 1st time I picked him up. He is a sweetie. He’s adjusting well, follows me around the kitchen & he’s already sleeping with me in my bed! I feel like a little kid who just got the perfect Christmas gift. Thank You Again! Jill & Yogi Congratulations Yogi Berra!!!