Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Zoya had a few bumpy days after her arrival. She came to SAY with a history of pancreatitis. I am sure the stress of flying across the country (I know I get stressed every time I fly) being stuffed under a seat in a carrier (I usually pay for a seat for myself) and then handed off to a stranger was more than enough to trigger an attack. So twice we went to the vet on an emergency basis. With sub q fluids, meds and small low fat meals after a few days things thankfully settled down. After that Zoya fit in so well with my pups that I was constantly asking her “Were you ever not here?” She was just part of the pack. She fit in seamlessly. Bet you can guess where this is leading. If you are thinking this is beginning to sound like a classic foster fail, Bingo!! You are correct. I have adopted Zoya and she will never be without her family again. Congratulations Zoya!!!