Animal Success Stories
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Well I have done it again! My heart could just not let this little girl go. When I saw the email about Summer I did not hesitate to call Sharon and agreed to foster her. I kept telling myself do not get attached because two dogs are enough. Given that I was caretaker for my 91 year old mom and Misty and Indy were enough to keep me very busy so I told myself. Summer came to me from NYC. While I knew she was tiny I was shocked to see just how tiny she was when I scooped her up from the great volunteer who brought her down to me. She had a very large mass on her abdomen which seemed to be as large as her. Since I knew that there was a serious need to get her to my vet I texted her and made arrangements for Summer to be seen as soon as possible. Not knowing what this mass was I was praying that it was not cancer. Dr Daria from Philadelphia Animal Hospital examined her and after reviewing all of the documentation that was sent to me she determined that while we still were not sure what this mass was she needed to be seen by a specialist. There was black drainage coming out of this mass constantly and I had to finally end up using face masks to put around her belly along with a boy band so as to not get this junk everywhere. She had lost almost a pound since being surrendered and she would not eat for me. I resorted to feeding her pureed baby food through a syringe which finally worked. We went to Blue Pearl in Levittown and saw Dr Deal because Dr Popovich was going on vacation. We pushed the fact that this was an emergency and needed attention as soon as possible. Arrangements were made for Dr Deal to see Summer who Dr Popovich said was just as good as she was. They came out and took Summer in for her appointment. A little while later the doctor called me and said they had done an ultrasound and it was determined that the large mass was a hernia with other complications surrounding her bowel. An estimate was given to Sharon and approval was given to move forward with surgery that day. I have to tell you that this little girl is such a trooper! She has been through hell and back and is the sweetest little thing. The hernia was removed and a portion of her bowel as well as her spleen since there were adhesions on it. She spent three days in the ICU. She did not want to eat and her blood sugar was very low so they had to keep her on glucose. It was finally determined that she may eat if she was sent home so they released her to me. Fast forward: Buttercup is a thriving little girl with tons of energy. She started eating and playing with the girls. She loves to fetch and stands her ground when the others try to take her toy...Congratulations Summer!!!