Animal Success Stories
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Ginger Snap

On Saturday, Ginger left to live with her new family. The last week is always bittersweet for me. Of course, there’s the emotional component of it. It seems that I battle all week with the collision of so many emotions – pride, sadness, excitement, and happiness but, there’s also the overwhelming feeling of being responsible for someone else’s pet. Logically, I realize that is what I have been doing all along but until the last week, Ginger was another member of our family. She blended in with us and adapted to our schedule. We never thought of her as a foster dog; she was just another member of our family! John and I would often include her when we addressed “the boys” and then would stammer and add “and Girl!” So, as we enjoy the week of “lasts”, Ginger’s new family is excitedly preparing for the “firsts”. They are a lovely couple with experience with Yorkies but they don’t currently have any other pets. Ginger will be doted on! She’ll have a big backyard and an open lap for snuggling which is everything Ginger wants! Our week of lasts has officially ended as Ginger went home with her new family today. When they arrived Ginger smothered them with kisses but when the time came to leave, Ginger hesitated a bit but then went off with her new family without so much as a backwards glance! Congratulations Ginger Snap!!!